Moshe Feldenkrais said: “Every individual has the ability to acquire through his experience, in his own environment, the means necessary for his successful survival”
In the Feldenkrais classes/workshops/individual sessions we lean into this inner ability to learn and improve, so that we can reach our potential to move with greater ease, ability and pleasure, improve our day to day relationship with ourselves and others, improve posture and our performance in any activity we choose to take – walking, dancing, running, sitting, playing, meditating….
I continue to offer variety of ways to engage with my work: weekly online classes, face-to-face/hands-on individual sessions and monthly weekend in-person workshops.
Details below.
Blessings for a good and kind 2023 to you and to all beings,
One to One sessions (Functional Integration®)
A unique form of body-work designed as lessons specifically to each person’s needs.
One to one session in the Feldenkrais Method is called Functional Integration and is designed to help the individual find new possibilities in movement that will move them away from pain and injury. I work with variety of issues from improving integration after knee/hip replacement, repetitive movement injuries caused by sport/dance or at work, improving posture and managing back pain, joint pain, frozen shoulders, and all other issues undiagnosed or which their source is unclear and therefore not treated by the conservative medicine.
In Functional Integration I look at the whole of the person and help them discover themselves and the path to healing.
A session with me is about 1hour at my clinic at Santosa.
Costs: £60 (some concessions available of £55-£50 depending on the individual’s circumstances).
Weekly group classes (Awareness Through Movement®)
Mondays 18:30
Wednesdays 13:00
Thursdays 19:00
Class is about 1hour and you can take it from anywhere (!)
You can take as many classes per week. Each class is different though we might work through similar themes (Holidays and other time offs are possible).
6 classes = £72
10 classes = £115
12 classes = £132
You pre-pay for a number of classes and I send you the weblink to join.
Weekend workshops
The Jaw (and the rest of yourself)
Sunday 29/1/23, 10:00-12:00
Most of us learnt to hold something in our jaw: emotions (the quivering lower lip to conceal flooding emotions), strain (try to open a stubborn jar without doing something with your jaw;-) and all sorts of other ways in which the jaw might be involved in patterns of holding, balancing, posture, and more specifically involving our neck and spine. In this workshop you will learn about those connections and a release from the constraints that have become habitual.
From Sitting on floor to Standing (or how to use the whole of yourself)
Saturday 25/2/23, 10:00-12:00
An explorative and playful workshop exploring movement away from the floor. In this workshop, the starting point is sitting on the floor and what is available to us once we have arrived to this situation. As in all movement workshops our ally is the floor and gravity but people tend to get stuck once they had moved away from lying on the floor or away from standing. That in-between space brings unfamiliar and sometimes overwhelming sensations that bring us to act without awareness. In this workshop we will explore and develop awareness to the challenge and the possibilities to move more efficiently, comfortably and gracefully.
Intelligent Feet
Saturday 18/3/23, 10:00 – 12:00
In this workshop we will zoom-in again on the intricate possibilities available to us in the structure and function of the feet that will support our posture, balance, and locomotion.
Place: All workshops take place at Santosa Wellness Centre, 21 Albert St, Edinburgh EH7 5LH
Fees: each workshop £30
To book, contact me or email me on: