Dance News
Movement & Improvisation Workshop
Movement – Improvisation – Contact ImprovisationWorkshop Somatic movement and improvisation workshop starting from experiential anatomy of the spine and exploring how the spine can support our movement and connection with…
Morning Practice
Tuesday in studio morning practice Feldenkrais, gentle yoga, movement improvisation 1st October, 15th October, 5th November, 19th November.9:00-10:30am@ Santosa, 21 Albert st. Edinburgh£15 each class, drop-in (registration and payment in…
Feldenkrais News
Feldenkrais classes
Online FM classes running twice a week: Each lesson is new and unique and over time we explore many themes and connections to support and ease any injuries and develop…
Feldenkrais Workshops Feb-March25
The Connected Self – Saturday 1/2/25, 10:00 – 13:00 @ Santosa, £35 Awareness Through Movement – Saturday 15/2/25, 10:00 – 12:00 @ Santosa, £25 2 hours workshop where we will…