Easy Shoulders – Easy Neck #2&3

I am offering two workshops in Autumn following previous most successful workshop I offered last spring. It seems there is still so much to explore and I am responding to expressed interest and benefits experienced by those who attended before.

These Feldenkrais workshops will focus on integration of arms, chest, shoulders and neck to encourage the possibility of ease and movement in the shoulders and neck. I will work with my wider experience in somatic movement, anatomy, Feldenkrais method and other teaching methods to help you have a clearer connection with yourself and bring more movement and ease to the whole of yourself and specifically to the area of the shoulders and neck.

The workshops also offer a great opportunity to immerse in Feldenkrais Method for a day and experience the effect which that can have on your general wellbeing.

Saturday 17th October
& Saturday 21st November 2015

11:00 – 16:00

@ St. Margaret’s House, G25, 151 London Road, Edinburgh, EH7 6AE
One workshop: £50 (£45)
If booking both in advance: £90 (£80)

Booking in advance!


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